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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Setlist: 6/11/11 Columbia, MD

Set 1: Daniel Saw The Stone, AC/DC Bag, Ocelot, Access Me, Vultures*, Wilson > Sand, Roses Are Free > Reba, On Your Way Down, Run Like An Antelope

Set 2: Birds of a Feather, Tweezer > Horse > Silent In The Morning, Waves, Chalkdust Torture, Rock & Roll > Albuquerque, Piper > Wading In The Velvet Sea> 2001, Stealing Time From The Faulty Plan, Suzy Greenberg

Encore: Show of Life, Tweezer Reprise

Notes: Daniel Saw The Stone was played for the first time since August 3, 2003 (137 shows), No whistling during Reba, Run Like An Antelope contained a 'On Your Way Down' tease, Chalkdust Torture contained a 'Birds of the Feather' tease

1 comment:

  1. These show notes are copied verbatim from, in violation of the copyright notice there. If you're going to be a thief, you could at least credit the non-profit that you're stealing from.
