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Saturday, June 4, 2011

Setlist: 6/4/11 Cuyahoga Falls, OH

Set 1: KDFKill Devil Falls, Guyute, FYFFuck Your Face > Foam, Ocelot, Rocket in My Pocket, BOTTBack on the Train > GuelahGuelah Papyrus, Tube > AntelopeRun Like an Antelope[1]

Set 2: BOAFBirds of a Feather, Possum > Steam[2] > Piper -> LizardsThe Lizards, Sneakin' SallySneakin' Sally through the Alley[3] > HoodHarry Hood > Have Mercy -> HoodHarry Hood[4] > Character Zero[5]

Encore: SlaveSlave to the Traffic Light

[1] Streets of Cairo teases from Trey. Different band members' names (Including Toph) mentioned before Esquandolas.
[2] Debut.
[3] Manteca teases.
[4] Have Mercy and Lizards teases.
[5] Smoke on the Water teases.

Notes: This show marked the debut of Steam. Antelope featured a Streets of Cairo tease from Trey and saying different band members' names (including Toph) before the "Esquandolas" lyric. Sally included Manteca teases, Hood contained Have Mercy and Lizards teases, and Character Zero contained a Smoke on the Water teases.

1 comment:

  1. This setlist, all the segues in it, the song notes, and the show notes are copied verbatim from, in violation of the copyright notice there. If you're going to be a THIEF, you could at least credit the non-profit that you're stealing from!!
